Transferring Trust – Part 4

Transferring Trust

Ps Dino Cicatello

Ps Dino ended off the series “Transferring trust” and he spoke about faithfulness and fruitfulness. He reminded us that the world tends to celebrate fruitfulness, yet fruitfulness comes from faithfulness.

Many people want the fruitfulness, but not as many people want the faithfulness, however to move from a seed to a harvest is the pathway of faithfulness. God is calling the church to be faithful to His cause, name and goodness to be fruitful for His glory.

Ps Dino highlighted 3 ways to grow in faithfulness:

  • Walk with Jesus personally
    (John 15:4-5) We need to make it personal
  • Apply His word consistently
    (Galatians 5:22-25) By trusting that His way is greater than yours. Live by the spirit by acknowledging that He is with you. Don’t chase the fruit chase the root – the root is the person of the holy spirit.
  • Connect with others intentionally
    (Galatians 6:2) Healing comes through community, as the prayer of a righteous person is effective.

Ps Dino said that we should seek people for the Lord, with a fruitful vision to find fruit for someone else. Christian faith was always based on opposition, as more people will die for the gospel than in any other point in history.

Whenever the church was persecuted, it grew more but the enemy has made Christians comfortable with no opposition, so that as soon as some opposition comes, they will let go of God.
Ps Dino said we should endure with the intention to hear God say: “well done good and faithful servant” – Matthew 25:23.


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