Ps Dino Cicatello
On Sunday we continued the series Reel relationships and pastor Dino spoke about the 4 lies that could destroy a marriage.
First pastor Dino reminded us of two truths:
- The Devil is a liar – John 8:44
- Jesus is the truth, the way and the life – John 31-32
Pastor Dino then delved into 4 lies that the enemy is using to breakdown marriages:
- I can change him/her
men marry women hoping they would never change; women marry men hoping they would change and inevitably both are disappointed. This is impossible as we cannot change another person’s heart, only God can.
Truth: God can change you both. We need to therefore pray two prayers – God won’t you change their heart. James 5:16 and then pray God change me – Matt 7:3-5, Psalm 139:23-24 and Philippians 2:12-13
- A good marriage is 50/50
math of the world: ½ (half-hearted effort)+ ½ (half-hearted effort) = 1(whole hearted disappointment)
Truth: a good marriage is 100/100 Ephesians 5:21
- This one little thing isn’t a big thing
Truth: small lies left unchecked grows into big problems – Song of songs 2:15
- There is no hope for my marriage
Truth: All things are possible with God. Matthew 19:26