Real Relationships – Part 2

Ps Dino Cicatello

Ps Dino preached this week, and he continued the series called “Real Relationships” and focused on how to unmute God’s voice in our lives. He reminded us that before we focus on earthly relationships (even though it is important) we should focus on our personal relationship with God, as one should always be willing to hear God’s voice and willing to receive what God is ready to share with us.

With this series, we pray that God would heal you from your past, empower you for your present and equip you for your future.

Ps Dino preached on 1 John 4:20 and pointed out how one can’t only love a God you can’t see while hating those you can physically see.

4 Ways to unmute the voice of God:

  1. His Word
    If your Bible is closed, in many ways, so is His mouth. The highway for God’s voice in your life is through His Word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  2. Prayer
    Prayer equals access as it is the language of the unashamed, the humble. Prayer is a way to get the heart right. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
  3. The helper, Holy Spirit
    Let us keep instep with the Spirit, as whatever we live by, we’ll keep instep with. Galatians 5:5. John 16:13
  4. People
    God speaks through His people, that’s why Christianity is a team sport. Acts 2:42

What keeps His voice unmuted?

Faithful obedience to God.


Real Relationships

Listen to the Podcast or Watch the Sermon