Ready Set Go – Part 4

Sow a Thought

Ps Dino Cicatello

This week Ps Dino ended the Ready Set Go series by focusing on how to hear God’s voice, as in 1 Samuel 3:7 and Proverbs 3:5.

When you start serving God you might struggle to hear God’s voice, the highway for God’s voice in your life:

  1. Read the word of God – The Highway for God’s voice in your life is through His word, if His word is closed, so is His mouth, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, D.L Moody say: “I never saw a useful Christian who was not a student of the word of Bible”
  2. Pray as you can and not as you can’t – Prayer is about giving God access and not about information, some people are too intimidated to pray, pray for help and ask sincerely for God to intervene, Matt 6:5-15, prayer is the language of the humble, the less you pray the more prideful you are and the less you pray the more you lean on your own strength and the more you pray
  3. He speaks through His Spirit – whatever you live by you will keep in step with, Galatians 5:25, the more you live by the spirit you keep in step with the holy spirit. By doing this you can discern what God wants for you, He’ll then bring out the fruits of the spirit, this can only be formed and not forced. Romans 8:5-14, life and peace comes from following the holy spirit.
  4. He speaks through people – God uses other people’s gifts to minister to you and he uses your gifts to minister to others – 1 Peter 4:10, use whatever gift you have received to serve others.
  5. He speaks through nature – Romans 1:20, everything God made, they clearly see His invisible qualities. One can see God through nature, while trusting Him to come through, we can look at what God had created in nature before to know that He will do it again.
  6. He speaks through circumstance – God does not cause all situations, but He can use it, for the good of those who love and are called according to His purpose – Romans 8:28, try to ask God what He wants you to learn if you are in an uncomfortable place.

Listen to the Podcast or watch the Sermon