Overflow – Part 1

Overflow Romans 15:13

Ps Dino & Kelly Cicatello

This week Ps Dino and Ps Kelly gave us the church vision for the year, based on Romans 15:13: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Definition of overflow:

  1. A flowing over inundation
  2. Something that flows over, surplus
  3. An outlet or receptacle for surplus

This year, we will be inundated with his presence, we’ll live with a surplus of hope through the Holy Spirit and we are ready to receive from God so that we go and overflow into the world.

Vision is extremely important as all significant gain, all measurable change and tangible reality that’s worth anything started with a vision, a picture of a preferred future. God has a vision for your life, even if you do not have a vision.

4 kinds of physical vision:

  • Near sightedness / Myopia:
    when you can see things clearly that’s close to you, but you can’t see things that’s far away – spiritually, you sometimes only have vision for today but can’t see beyond what’s in front of you right now.
  • Farsightedness / Hyperopia:
    when you can see but you can’t see close, such as you can’t see the wood on the trees but you are always dreaming of the future, it’s just the day to day routine that causes you to stumble.
  • Astigmatism / blurry vision:
    life is not fair, God is fair, but life is not, sometimes the experiences in life can mishappen the way we see life and just because we see life that way does not mean that it’s the truth. All three of these cases, they are all looking at the same thing, but some see it clearly, when it’s close or near and another might cause distortion.
  • Near perfect vision:
    God can give us a clear vision of His dreams for us.

Proverbs 29:18-19, people perish without a vision, because this is true, we should follow the Habakkuk 2:2 principle to write the vision down and make it plain on tablets, so that he may run who reads it. We can’t overflow if other things are filing us, we need to ask, am I overflowing from an intimate relationship with God? The role of a Christian is to be filled with God more so that we can live out the purpose and call that He has for us.

Listen to the Podcast or watch the Sermon