Hebrews – Part 4

Hebrews – Part 4

Ps Kelly Cicatello

Ps Kelly preached on Hebrews chapter 11-13 as we closed off the study on the book of Hebrews. From the first man and all the heroes of faith, they followed through in faith for a promise they did not see, yet they lived in the promise God had made. We should therefore build our lives on the promise that God had given us, as we live in the dispensation of grace by having access to our Saviour and are therefore part of the kingdom of God.

Kelly urged us to have a relationship with God, as He sees us, as we are part of His kingdom! She also reminded us to just as the heroes of faith, look toward a promise, the hope that Christ will return and in the new heaven and earth, there will be no sickness, no sadness, no shame. Knowing that God won the battle already we should ponder on this when facing adversity and issues, as we should build our lives by faith.

An important point to always remember is that our lives are only a thread in a giant tapestry of a plan in God’s promise, the heroes of the faith are only mentioned because they did not live for themselves, we should live as part of God’s plan for all.


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