Hebrews – Part 3

Hebrews – Part 3

Ps Dino Cicatello

This week we focused on Hebrews chapter 4-10, and Ps Dino taught us on how we need to hold firmly to our faith, even while being persecuted, as in our weakness, Jesus has empathy with us. He came down for us, He was tempted in every way, yet Jesus did not sin, as He died on our behalf, He didn’t die for you but He died as you! When you find Jesus, you will find mercy and grace.

So, if you are in a time of need, go confidently to the Father in prayer. We don’t have a father who is distracted, such as a father behind a laptop saying 5 more minutes, or I don’t have time right now, our heavenly Father’s door is always open, and He does not only go for the good people, but all people!

Jesus has a permanent priesthood, so no matter how many bad words are said to you or about you, Jesus intercedes for you, a heavenly saviour who speaks a benediction over your life everyday. The book of Hebrews, is a comparative book, it says that Jesus is better 11 times, He is superior 4 times and He is greater 7 times. Our saviour is better than a system, He is greater than all high priests, laws and ordinances.

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