Ps Dino Cicatello
On Good Friday Ps Dino taught 3 unchangeable truths to remember when you look at the cross. He preached on Romans 8:32, “If He gave us His son on the cross, why would he withhold any good thing from His children, if he’s already given us His best?”
- Because of the cross, I am forgivable and redeemable
So many people go through their lives believing that they are not forgivable and not redeemable, because they do not know the grace and mercy of God. The bible teaches us that God paid the price in full, while we were still sinners.
- Because of the cross, I am a masterpiece
Ephesians 2:10, He created us, we did not create Him, He is the potter we are only the clay, and He molds us. The one who holds the brush, you need to ask this question, when you look at the cross, who is holding the painting brush?
- Because of the cross, I am valuable
When we look at the cross, we look at the price that was paid to set the value of our lives. Proverbs 11:1, the enemy catches you at your worse moments in life and makes you feel worth less than what God valued us. John 19:30, Jesus said “tetelestai”, so our price is paid in full.