23 Jun Unlocking 10 Books – Part 4
Ps Dino CicatelloPs Dino preached on the book of Numbers this week, and he taught us on the 3 scenes / sections of the book of Numbers. Chapters 1-12, focus on Mount Senai, 13-21 refer to the Wilderness in Paran and chapters 22-36 teaches on the plains of Moab across the promised land. The first part is at the foot of Moab while overlooking the promised land, they did a census, and the Lord taught them how to camp and how to order their lives, e.g. how to get their camps in order as they pursue the promises of God. God also told them to set the Tabernacle in the middle (centre) of the camp, just as we should take stock and check if God is still the centre of our lives. God wanted the entire camp to practice all the purity laws so that God could redeem all of them. Ps Dino mentioned how those in the Bible turned their backs on God, while being able to see Him (Cloud by day, Fire by Night) and how we should be even closer to God seeing as the Holy Spirit lives within us. Ps Dino also covered the story of the 10 spies and how 8 returned with a negative report but 2 had a good report while they focused on the fruits of the promised land and not the bad parts. How the people were longing for the days of Egypt, and that they preferred to be slaves, Moses returned to God begging that He would not end their lives but forgive their inability to trust in God’s promises. God did not end their lives, but they had to face the consequences never to enter the promised land, but their children did. Ps Dino reminded us that there’s always a consequence to not following God’s design. As we should do God’s will with the right heart, as doing God’s will in God’s way (applying the fruits of the spirit) will allow us to receive God’s reward.
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