09 Jun Unlocking 10 Books – Part 2
Ps Kelly CicatelloPs Kelly said that Exodus is the story of the formation of the nation of Israel and that the Exodus event was so important that it changed their identity and restarted their calendar the same way our calendar restarted when Jesus was born. Ps Kelly divided the book Exodus into sections, the first part (1-4) is the story (saga) of Moses. As chapters 1 and 2 focus on when Moses was delivered from Pharoah, and chapters 3-4 focus on how Moses was commissioned by God. The second part of the book of Exodus focus on the story of the Hebrews when they were delivered from Pharoah (5-18) and then commissioned by God (19-40). In chapter 19, God started forming a people who would show the world who He is, through the way they lived, the laws they valued, and the way they worshipped God. This scripture is similar to 1 Peter 2:9. In Chapter 20, God introduced the 10 commandments, it was meant to help the Israelites to relate to one another and helped shape them to be different from any other nation. Exodus 25 shows us how God asked for a Tabernacle to be built so that He could be back in community with His people, a reminder of the garden of Eden. Ps Kelly concluded by reminding us that even after a few Israelites built their own god to worship, God still tells Moses in chapter 34 of His loving-kindness, compassion, and graciousness towards His people anyway!
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