Ps Dino Cicatello
Ps Dino continued the series on Overflow (our church’s word for 2024) and reminded us to become the kind of people that reflect Romans 15:13.
He also gave us 4 daily habits to overflow as Christians:
- Stay connected to Jesus everyday as it’s important for your survival and you should learn to attach yourself to God and don’t expect him to attach to you! Coming to church is not about the service but rather connecting to Jesus as our lives should be aligned to god only, meditate on his word, (John 15:5) rather be sleep deprived than god deprived.
- Stop grumbling and start being grateful, (Philippians 2:14-16) complaining is bad for your health, being grateful produces more energy, helps you focus on the right thing so guard your prayers when you are thankful, (Philippians 4:6), anxiety is your body telling you to pray worth thanksgiving. (Thessalonians 5:18) 10X10 challenge – wake up thinking of 10 things you are grateful for and do the same before you fall asleep as these are the most formative thoughts.
- Stop comparing and be content – as comparison is like a thief that sneaks into your life and makes what you have seem so small and what you lack seem so big, (Philippians 4:11-13), comparison will rob you! Remember the making change series, (Ecclesiastes 4:6)
- Stop being stingy and start being generous – (Proverbs 11:24) become generous with your heart, generous with our words, resources, love generous as we have more than we need! You give without loving but you can’t love without giving! (2 Corinthians 9:6-8) so attach yourself to the good work and god brings the provision!