Meeting the Messiah – Part 3

Ps Graham Evans

Ps Graham spoke on the importance of speaking a blessing, how important our own words are and that we are all priests. Sometimes God highlights a passage of scripture – especially when he says this is something so important for you and the people you are serving for the year to come.

In Numbers 6:22-27, God knew there would be tough circumstances thus he preceded it, by speaking a blessing. While the Israelites left Egypt, amid many miracles, their spiritual needs were met, and while heading to the promised land, God knew there would be many challenges on the route.

In the English dictionary a blessing is described as a benefit, favour or gift and the biblical meaning is divine favour and protection, regardless of the circumstances. Ps Graham believes that God is saying whatever comes our way, He is going to bless His people, the repetition of may the Lord, speaks of the nature and personality of God. When you say dear God, you are talking about someone who is omnipresent, full of grace, mercy and He has a plan for you.


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