Live Like Jesus – Part 1

Live Like Jesus

Ps Dino Cicatello

This week Pastor Dino started the series called: “Live like Jesus” and he focused on 4 pillars of Sabbath and 5 tips to rest in God.

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus, having to repeatedly roll a huge stone up a hill in the hope of getting to the top, but he never gets there, instead he pushes it, get’s too tired the rocks crushes him then he starts pushing the rock up from the bottom of the hill again. Ps Dino used this as an analogy and compared this to the lives some people live daily. By pushing a rock of work, worry, chores etc. up a hill and causing constant tiredness.

We focused on 8 practices, found in the life of Christ, the first is Sabbath also known as how to rest in the presence of God. The Hebrew word for Sabbath is a verb Shabbat, you need to actively choose to stop and rest with Christ. Genesis 2:1-3


4 Pillars of Sabbath

  • stop – Shabbat, cease, be done, if you can’t slow down the devil will speed you up and get you to crash / depleted, live in abundance- the way we do things determines how we arrive.
  • rest – rest is counter culturally, rest in the Lord, Jesus healed so many people on the Sabbath, learn to rest for healing to our souls.
  • delight – enjoy sabbath and not endured.
  • worship – orientate your heart toward the king.

5 tips for partaking in Sabbath

  1. Start small (don’t despise humble beginnings)
  2. Think subtraction and not addition (remove what does not count and add what does count) start saying no to what does not add value and yes to what does.
  3. You get out what you put in – it takes faith to take a Sabbath, retrain your brain, learn to rest again.
  4. Remember the j-curve – in any new habit things will get worse before it can get better (any habit will be more difficult before it gets better)
  5. No formation without repetition (spiritual formation is slow and has a compound effect) Isaiah 55 1-3 – Sabbath is a gift.


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