17 Nov Go and Tell – Part 3
Ps Dino Cicatello
Ps Dino CicatelloPastor Dino Cicatello preached this week, and he continued the series “Go and Tell”. Pastor Dino spoke about the heart of a soul winner and he taught on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 and 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 as we studied the heart of a soul winner. Pastor Dino reminded us of all the obstacles (prayers of our mothers, holy spirit, calvary), between us and hell and that we should be an obstacle to others to prevent them from an eternity in hell. Also, we should not focus on what we have to offer but rather be available to be used by God. The heart of a soul winner is to have an eternal perspective, as looking at the outward would cause you to be swayed by people’s worldly possessions. If we are soul winners, we do not set the agenda, only God does. As it should be our goal to please God, in and out of season as every season is the best season to please God. |
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