Building Altars – Part 2

Ps Dino Cicatello

Ps Dino preached this week and continued the series Building Altars. Ps Dino said that too many people want a full return but commit partially.

How to build a culture? Through your words as words build worlds. Your words can affirm or breakdown strongholds in your life. Worship is more than just singing; worship is your entire lifestyle. Worship is described as ascribing worth to something or someone, our lifestyles should therefore be worship. Colossians 3:23. We cannot mention worship and not mention obedience 1 Sam 15:19-21.

Ps Dino said that building an altar should be a way of life and not a program. Obedience is the highest form of worship; the question should be how our decisions would bless the Lord.

Reasons we don’t fully obey God

  • Lack of trust – Do we really believe that God has our backs? Yet He is faithful anyway. Numbers 23:19
  • Abundance of fear – are our fear of man causing us to not follow God’s instructions?
  • Focus more on what than the who – The power lies in who you are obedient to and not what we are obedient to, as the blessing comes in who we obey.

We receive instruction from the following

  1. In His word – We need to study the word of God to know His will. God’s word is the map for our futures.
  2. In His spirit – we need to live a life of prayer and learn to know God’s voice and follow His instruction.
  3. In His people – Christianity is a team sports, as it is by God’s design to be part of a small group. It is powerful doing life together.

Listen to the Podcast or Watch the Sermon