Building Altars – Part 1


Ps Dino Cicatello

Ps Dino started a new series this week called Building Altars. Ps Dino taught from Romans 12:1 and reminded us that the Lord’s hand is upon us thus we should speak it and profess that the hand of the Lord is upon us to build our homes, businesses, marriages etc. as this is in essence what we’ve been called to do.

The hand of the Lord is upon me when the spirit dwells within me, Ps Dino reminded us that it’s always been God’s desire to be with us, just as the days in the garden of Eden. God longs to be in relation with us, if we don’t, we form a brittle and fragile faith. The most consistent part of our faith is not our love for God but His love for us. As Christians, we should build our lives as altars to connect with Jesus as the greatest gift in heaven is not the streets of gold but the presence of God.

Ps Dino reflected on the days in the Old Testament where altars were intentionally built to worship God, likewise our lives should intentionally be set apart fashioned by the Word of God as an altar towards the King.

Timothy Keller asked 4 questions to help us understand where we are in our walk with God:

  • Are you sailing?
    Meaning you are living the Christian life with the wind at your back, your sails are open, God is real to you, and you sense him speaking to you.
  • Are you rowing?
    Finding prayer and Bible study as more of a duty than a delight, God often seems a bit distant, and you are struggling with doubt.
  • Are you drifting?
    Experiencing all the conditions of rowing, but instead of rowing you are letting yourself drift as you don’t feel like approaching or even obeying God.
  • Are you sinking?
    Where the numbness of heart has become the hardness of heart.

Listen to the Podcast or Watch the Sermon