An Uncommon King – Part 3


Ps Kelly Cicatello

Pastor Kelly Cicatello focused on Christ’s unshakeable standing in our lives, and how we respond to that, especially this Christmas.

Pastor Kelly gave us 3 things the Bible tells us who Christ is:

  1. He is God with us
    (Emanuel, John 1:14) – Jesus came down to earth and became one with us in order to save us. There is no better way to find fulfilment this season than in Jesus. Pastor Kelly shared a quote from AW Tozer: ”Always, everywhere God is present and always He seeks to discover Himself to each one.”
  2. He is God for us
    (Romans 8:31-33)- Christ died FOR us and lived for us in order to fulfil the requirements of the law, thus He is our victory in every situation.
  3. He is God over all
    (Matthew 28:18) – The word of God tells us that Jesus has authority over all things, so we should not be anxious about anything.

Pastor Kelly reminded us of the songs we sang during worship and encouraged us to reach out to Christ in difficult situations first. A further reminder is the only way, that God lives in us is by accepting that his son died for us, paying the price of debt that we should’ve paid. But because he did, we don’t have to, that’s why the bible teaches us that salvation is a gift that cannot be earned, only received.

An Uncommon King

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