Real Relationships – Part 1

Ps Lindsay Smith

Ps Lindsay started a series called Real Relationships and focused on “Parenting on Purpose, how to help your children love God”. The biggest foundation is that both parents should personally know Jesus. Ps Lindsay said that we can only reproduce who we are (God fearing, Christ loving parents), so to raise spiritually sound children the parents should be spiritually sound first. Psalm 127:3 and Deuteronomy 6:4-9, says that children are a gift from God, one we have been blessed with and that parents have a responsibility to teach them about Jesus.

Your home’s DNA should be centred on Christ, if this is not the case, it will be difficult to teach children anything about God.

What are we doing wrong?

  1. We risk too little – pain avoidance can easily become a value in your house, which could cause parents to rob their children of growing in the necessary confidence they need for their day to day lives. Hebrews 11:6
  2. We rescue to quickly – parents should allow children to face the consequences of their choices. Galatians 6:7
  3. We model too weakly – We teach what we know but reproduce who we are, and more is caught than is taught. Children tend to do as parents do instead of what they are taught. Mark 7:6. Use every situation at home (supper time, family drives, tithing etc.)

What can we do to improve?

  1. Expose your children to the opportunity of knowing Christ personally. Expose your children to joy of knowing God personally. John 17:3
  2. Expose them to the presence and power of God.


Real Relationships

Listen to the Podcast or Watch the Sermon